
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Top 10 reasons shopping is my therapy

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We all do it but I think it's safe to say some of us do it more than others. There are many girls, in particular, who are exposed to the thrill of shopping at an early age. Some of my favorite childhood memories involve shopping, in fact. Spending time together spending money is a relaxing social experience. I am not sure if I'm a shopaholic but I've composed 10 reasons I might be:

1. Shopping makes me feel good.

I love the race to find what i'm looking for. I love the rush of trying clothes on for the first time. I even enjoy sharing my finds with others, "Susan, you've got to see these shoes I found." You've done it too, haven't you?

2. All the stores I love email me daily.

Mostly consisting of, "Hey did you forget this in your cart?" Or my favorite "50% of everything with free shipping today only." It's like I have a responsibility to myself and family to investigate and make sure they don't have something I need.

3. Just checking in.

The naive moments when I think i can enter a T.J. Maxx without buying anything. News flash: I can't. I won't. Those are facts.
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4. Money burns a whole in my pocket.

I begin to worry that I'm doing myself a injustice by keeping money when the bills are paid. It's just money right? My best friend and I share this problem and it's the cause of many outings.

5. Planning.

Even the act of planning for a shopping trip, making a list to go shopping, and online scrolling through Amazon makes me smile inside and out. The possibilities are endless and I'm oddly in control.

6. Emotions.

It's okay honey, retail therapy is healthy and productive. Feeling sad? Buy a new dress and jewelry to match. Feeling anxious? Nothing a grocery store visit can't fix. Me and isles of food and opportunity.

7. Bored.

What can I do to pass the time? I know, I'll look at Zulily and see whats new today. All sorts of ideas pop in my head and before i know it my carts over flowing. No regrets.

8. Procrastination.

This is one of my dirty little habits. Knee deep in housework and looking at a blank word document that i plan on transforming into an essay but, scrolling on H&M because they don't expect anything from me. I can wait til the last minute and yet still accomplish things, its amazing.

9. Savings.

Sometimes when no one is looking i like to get on Kroger and download digital coupons. It's like taking all the trouble out of actually couponing and yet all the savings. No item is safe. You would be surprised at the possibilities. And the more i save on groceries the more i can spend on my lifestyle, duh.
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10. I deserve this.

I don't work two jobs on accident people. I do it for a reason. I don't want to have to worry about money. I want to have my cake and eat it too. When I'm asked about hobbies, or another good one, "what do you do for fun?" I shop a lot. It's like my thing.

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