Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New Market

Here we are introducing New Market, a very traditional and old but elegant Market which is also called "বিপনী বিতান" located at the heart of the Chittagong city.

New Market is a very trendy and eye-catching establishment for shoppers, a bit old but still glamorous and deserve that elegance of it's birth time. The middle class people love it by nature and visit for shopping, gossiping and sometime for special meet-n-greet. Almost all kind of products from household  to latest gadgets are available here. The ladies love it for their Sharee, Kurti, Lawn, Shoes and Bags and for having 'Foska' very often and occasion.   

Corporate Office: 


Station Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Major Concentrations: 
Electronics, Gadgets, Ladies Fashion

Concerned Person:

Smart Phone, Tv, Fridge, Exclusive gadgets, Men and Women Wear, Shoes, Bags etc


Please wRite a Review and Rate this (e)MARKET by Commenting with the basis of following criterions:

Dynamics , Innovations -     /10

Environment , Interior , Infrastructure -       /10

Brand image -      /10  

Logo Look -     /10     

Social Presence -     /10

Customer Care , Promptness of Service -     /10   

(e)SHOP / eCommerce / Online -    /10

Have My Say / My especial verdict of Review - 


Gadget n Gear কে ভিন্ন স্বাদ, মান ও বৈচিত্র নিয়ে আবিষ্কার করতে ক্লিক করুনঃ

     New Market Dynamics        

    New Market Spice   

    New Market AO   

ভিন্ন স্বাদ, মান ও বৈচিত্রময় অনলাইন শপিং অভিজ্ঞতার জন্য ক্লিক করুনঃ                                                                                                     eSHOPs               eFOODIEs               eMARKETs


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